Where Inspirational Meets Practical
Building the skills and capability to match complexity
An enriching experience that left the IFIC Canada team invigorated and inspired (May 2024)
Walter Wodchis, Jodeme Goldhar, Ross Baker, Carolyn Steele Gray, Kerry Kuluski, Michelle Nelson, and Yinka Macaulay. International Foundation for Integrated Care. Blog.
Reflections in a Time of Crisis: What it Takes to Manage and Lead Integrated Systems of Care (Jul 2021)
Viktoria Stein, Robin Miller, Jodeme Goldhar and Anne Wojtak. Healthcare Quarterly, Longwoods Publishing
Twelve principles to support caregiver engagement in health care systems and health research (2019)
Kuluski, K., K.M. Kokorelias, A. Peckham, J. Goldhar, J. Petrie and C.A. Alloway. Patient Experience Journal
New Voices, New Power, New Ways of Working: Bringing Integrated Care to the National Health Service in England·
(Feb 2019) Special Focus on International Models of Integration: Part 3
Cathy Fooks, Jodeme Goldhar, Walter P. Wodchis, G. Ross Baker and Jane Coutts. Healthcare Quarterly, Longwoods Publishing
Integrating Care in Scotland (Dec 2018) Special Focus on International Models of Integration: Part 2
Cathy Fooks, Jodeme Goldhar, Walter P. Wodchis, G. Ross Baker and Jane Coutts. Healthcare Quarterly, Longwoods Publishing -
Effective Approaches to Integrating Care: A Three-Part Series (Oct 2018) Special Focus on International Models of Integration: Part 1
Cathy Fooks, Jodeme Goldhar, Walter P. Wodchis, G. Ross Baker and Jane Coutts. Healthcare Quarterly, Longwoods Publishing
Co-Design and Co-Delivery: The Benefits of Integration From the Family Caregiver’s Perspective (Sept 2018) Jodeme Goldhar. International Journal for Integrated Care (IJIC)
Leading Integrated Health and Social Care Systems: Perspectives from Research and Practice (Jan 2016)
Jenna Evans, Stacey Daub, Jodeme Goldhar, Anne Wojtak and Dipti Purbhoo. Healthcare Quarterly, Longwoods Publishing
Integrated Client Care for Frail Older Adults in the Community: Preliminary Report on a System-Wide Approach (Dec 2016)
Jodeme Goldhar, Stacey Daub, Irfan Dhalla, Philip Ellison, Dipti Purbhoo and Samir K. Sinha. Healthcare Quarterly, Longwoods Publishing
One Client, One Team: Health system integration for leaders (2016)
Daub S, Goldhar J, Purbhoo D. Healthcare Management Forum